
Monday, November 01, 2010

French Doctors' Deal Provokes Fuss, so It Must Be Working...

Funny what happens at Halloween. Yours truly was looking up the latest on the French doctors' pay-for-performance scheme, the CAPI (Contrat d'Amelioration des Pratiques Individuelles) and she comes across the Centre for Advanced Paranormal Investigation. Rather spookily Halloweenic.

In the real, mostly pumpkin-free world of biopharma, CAPI represents France's first step towards Anglo-Saxon capitalism: rewarding docs with good old cash when they hit their performance targets--targets aimed at lowering drug costs, boosting generics and improving outcomes. The scheme was introduced last year as part of a host of changes aimed at cutting the mega-deficit. (Read about other more recent measures here.)

As one has come to expect of our French neighbours, there was outrage when CAPI came along. Outrage from physicians' councils ("...contrary to ethical guidelines!"), and from the drug industry association ("...this will be a brake on innovation!").

A year on, however, the scheme is undoubtedly working. (In tough times, money speaks louder than principles.) After a strong start in mid-2009, it had pulled in almost 15,000 doctors by September 2010, according to Le Quotidien du Medecin.

And most of those are apparently doing what the scheme--which is voluntary, by the way--wants them to do: prescribe more generics, do more screenings and vaccinations. Two thirds of CAPI doctors have met their one-year objectives and received, on average, €3,101--or their "thirteenth month"'s salary, as the assurance maladie describes it.

But there's always a reason to complain, it seems. This time, the anger's with the one third of CAPI-affiliated docs (about 1700) that didn't get their money. It's a scam, say some. Others claim the measures on which docs are assessed are inappropriate and unreliable. And besides, they ask, how can the same body that sets the objectives for the scheme be the one to measure whether those objectives have been met?

We'll spare you most of the details (you can read about some of them, in French, here). One complaint that seems fair, though, is that the authorities, in setting the scheme's objectives (in terms of numbers of diabetics remaining compliant, number of mammograms carried out, for example) didn't control for the prevalence of these particular diseases in particular areas. So for some doctors it might be much easier to clock up the figures than for others.

But all this misses the more important point that CAPI is working. It's making doctors prescribe more generics (generic prescription targets are set at 90% for antibiotics, at least 80% for PPIs and 70% for statins) and it's making them more aware of long-term outcomes. So assuming that happy doctors with a bonus continue to outweigh unhappy ones without (and encourage the unhappy ones to try harder rather than to have a tantrum and pack it all in), CAPI--the non-paranormal version--may yet prove an important component of France's ongoing attempts to rein in the deficit. Spooky.

image from flickr user ...antonio... used under a creative commons license.

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