
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Baucus CER Deal Under Stress

With a little help from its GOP friends in the Senate, the pharma industry could still fashion a bad agreement on CER out of the positive discussions that have been underway for over a year with Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT).

Sens. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., are temporarily keeping the Baucus approach to comparative effectiveness -- which could be called CER soft -- out of the Senate Finance Committee’s health care reform bill.

Hatch and Enzi are two of the longtime stalwarts of policy affecting the drug industry. They have a go/no-go status on CER because of a de facto arrangement with the ranking GOP member on Senate Finance, Charles Grassley, R-IA, who ceded decision-making on CER legislation in his committee to his colleagues on the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee.

CER is now traveling through the legislative process under a new pseudonym: patient-centered outcomes research, part of Baucus' amusing and practical effort to move his bill under whatever name seems most acceptable and non-inflammatory on Capitol Hill. The Baucus proposal for CER remains a separate legislative bill. The plan is to attach that bill to the developing Senate package for health reform, being melded together by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, Senate Budget Committee and Senate Finance.

Representing more adamant critics of CER, Enzi and Hatch are pushing for consideration of three issues. The danger of bringing the issues up again now is that the Baucus CER approach could fail to get on track to join the main activity on health care reform and less favorable approaches to CER could slip into the gap. In the name of layering on several more specific protections against the use of CER reviews to control treatment choices, the GOP members are risking creating an open field for other CER proposals to supplant the work that Baucus has been doing on the issue since early last year.

The Baucus staff preparing the CER bill have won praise from industry stakeholders for working with affected industries on the CER scheme. There may be more willingness by those seeking more protections against CER to seek changes to the Baucus bill because a separate approach is gaining interest in the House, sponsored by Oregon freshman Kurt Schrader (HR 2502). That effectively gives the proponents of a soft CER approach a second alternative to push.

Age Discrimination Leads List of Recent Complaints

At the top of the list of CER changes being sought by the GOP is an assurance that there will not be age discrimination in treatments based on CER determinations – i.e. that no decisions whether to accept CER information for treatment selection will be made based on the age of the patient alone. This is a major concern of one of CER’s most obdurate critics in the Senate, John Kyl, R-AZ. Kyl raised the issue earlier in the spring in April and re-introduced it on June 15 as S 1259 along with six GOP co-sponsors, including minority leader Mitch McConnell (Ky).

The GOP HELP members also suggested language to prevent establishment of a quality-adjusted life years threshold by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to determine coverage for a treatment.

Finally, the GOP took up the cause of some CER critics who argue that a new CER institute might establish a different, and confusing, level of evidence for approving or rejecting medical products that would supplant and damage the substantial evidence standard used by thee Food & Drug Administration. That could be further impacted should a recently introduced bill that opens the door for comparative effectiveness research to be put on drug labeling become law (“The Pink Sheet,” May 25, 2009, p. 4).

The GOP concerns slow down a process of incorporating CER into the Senate bill that had appeared to be moving along smoothly. The push for changes just before the Finance Committee’s self-imposed deadline for beginning consideration of CER on June 17 may also be a small part of a developing GOP effort to slow down the overall effort to get Congressional health care reform bills through each chamber before the August.

The current Baucus version of the comparative effectiveness bill, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Act of 2009, was introduced June 9 with co-sponsorship from Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.D. It is an update of legislation introduced in the last Congress and maintains the creation of a public-private entity to drive research and offers a set of standards that must be met in order for comparative effectiveness research to be incorporated into coverage decisions (“The Pink Sheet” DAILY, June 9, 2009).

If Senate Finance cannot resolve the GOP complaints and get the bill moving again, the only comparative effectiveness option that would be debated in the Senate would be the HELP proposal which would undo the extensive work between Finance Committee staff, the pharma and insurance industries and other stakeholders on the proposal. The HELP proposal is much less detailed and puts HHS in the driver seat in terms of guiding comparative effectiveness research (“The Pink Sheet,” June 15, 2009, p. 13).

Starting After the 4th Is Not a Critical Blow To Legislative Schedule

While the comparative effectiveness options are not necessarily holding up the overall health care reform bill, they could be a contributing factor to why the committee has pushed back the markup on the full package until July.

Senate Finance will not start public consideration of the full health reform effort until after the Fourth of July recess. The delay is widely being attributed in Washington to a high preliminary score from the Congressional Budget Office on the most recent version of the Finance Committee proposal.

Reports are circulating that the Congressional Budget Office has scored the bill at $1.6 trillion, a number higher than the initial score of the incomplete HELP Committee health care reform bill. The Finance Committee held off introducing the draft chairman’s mark following the negative feedback that arose in the wake of CBO’s scoring of the HELP bill. The two-week delay in the Finance Committee consideration of health care reform does not preclude finishing a bill before the August recess, advocates say. The Senate leadership still has room in August to delay recess to get a vote if Finance starts consideration immediately after the Fourth of July break.

Senator Enzi, in a press release, commended the Finance Committee’s deliberative process that included members from both sides of the aisle, while criticizing the HELP Committee's start of consideration of its bill.

from flickr user te.esce used under a creative commons license

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