Ever thought to yourself, "you know self, that IN VIVO Blog is terrific, boy it sure is. But wouldn't it be great if it was even more terrific?" Before you reproach yourself for being greedy, well, never fear, we're going to give it a shot.

So to recap our ongoing plans for eventual world domination (or at the very least, for catching up with well-established social media and blogging trends): this week, we're starting to twitter. Next week, the podcasting begins. The week after that? Who knows. As always, we love reader feedback (special thanks to those of you who took our survey a couple weeks back, especially if you were nice or wanted more Philly sports commentary with your health care analysis and insight--shockingly not everyone was/did!) so keep sending in suggestions on how to improve IN VIVO Blog.
And thanks for reading.
UPDATE 3/17: We're now running multiple twitter feeds @invivoblogchris, @invivoblogellen, @rpmreportmike, and @rpmreportramsey
Very much looking forward to the podcasts. Gracias.
mmm... how very 2006. Fond memories.
Probably jumping the gun here a bit, but will there be an RSS feed for the podcast? I'd love to get my subscription set-up and waiting so that I'll be ready to listen come Thursday morning, much better than watching old A-Team episodes in the morning...well maybe not better, but at least slightly more informative. It would help tip the odds completely in your favor if you could offer the occasional tip on how to turn an ordinary van into an armor plated tank.
The podcasts will be embedded into the blog's RSS feed at least but not sure if the podcast will have its own feed. as for competing with the A-Team, i'm just not sure that's possible. perhaps the tech-savvy first anonymous commenter can dub the audio from our podcast onto the video from the A-Team. If you sync it properly (start the podcast when the last jeep flips over/the music stops) and it'll rival Wizard of Oz/Dark Side of the Moon, i'm sure.
Houston, we have our theme song.
Can I be Face?
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