
Friday, January 04, 2008

Regulatory Sausage Making

The old adage comparing the unattractiveness of political decision-making with sausage making may apply to Food & Drug Administration drug approval decisions in the future.

If Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley has his way, every FDA drug advisory committee may soon replicate the Avandia debate from last summer -- when the head of the new drug review office in charge of the original Avandia approval debated the head of FDA's drug safety office in an open airing of differing opinions from within the agency. My colleague Ramsey Baghdadi wrote compelling about the drama at the Avandia meeting last summer. (Click here to read the story.)

In the most recent version of what has become an annual year-end epistle to FDA on the agency's handling of the approval of Sanofi-Aventis' antibiotic Ketek (telithromycin), Grassley demands that FDA start bringing the wide range of different staff opinions on new drug applications out in the open for the advisory committee and the public to hear.

Until recently, FDA has tried to present its advisory committees with consensus positions on drug applications and scientific issues in the applications. But after investigating Ketek, Grassley finds that approach too glossy and a way to avoid public oversight of tough scientific decisions.

The Avandia meeting should be the new model. Grassley prodded FDA to adopt the same format where “FDA reviewers were allowed to express their professional opinions and recommendations regarding those drugs.” In case FDA missed the gist of his message, the senator repeated: “It is important not only that advisory committees be provided with complete and accurate data but also any differing scientific opinions and/or assessments regarding the data from FDA reviewers.”

And NDA sponsors should watch how FDA responds to Grassley's pressure. If he succeeds in opening up the FDA advisory committees to more disputes between FDA staff, he could well bring the all the blood and guts of an Iowa sausage factory to the drug review process. (See for more coverage of the prospects, implications and background on more open debates at FDA advisory committees.)

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